LASER & Ozone Assisted Dental Treatment

Why Should I opt for safer modality assisted dental treatment?

As Biological dentists, we are ambassadors for the use of LASERs in dentistry. The versatility of LASERs means that they are integrated into all areas of our treatment. Did you know that LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification Stimulated Emission of Radiation through a crystal medium, in our case dual-wavelength with a Ruby crystal stimulating 940nm of coherent light in the form of a Diode LASER and with an Er:Cr YSGG crystal stimulating 2780nm of coherent light in the form of a WaterLase.

Why Do We Use LASER-Assisted Dental Therapy?

Reduce Orofacial Pain

Photobiomodulation therapy can safely be used for instant relief of muscular pain and tension in the head and neck region, often in relation to TMJ disorder. LASERs can also be used to relieve tension and pain in the TMJ region, this is particularly beneficial if you struggle to open your mouth or if you’ve attended our clinic for a long session or surgery, and had your mouth open for a long period of time. It has also shown to be effective for patients suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Reduce Dentinal Hypersensitivity

There are a number of possible causes when it comes to sensitivity of the teeth including tooth wear and gum recession. We will always look to find the root cause of sensitivity, and work with you to find solutions. LASERs offer a quick and minimally invasive solution for instant sensitivity relief.

Bacterial Reduction

Promoting a balanced, healthy microbiome is essential to maintaining and restoring health within the mouth. Sometimes that involves reducing the number of ‘bad’ bacteria and disrupting the community of bacteria to rebalance the microbiome. In root canal treatment, LASERs can be used to reduce the number of bacteria and infected tissue in the root canal system without the need for harsh chemicals. Similarly, in periodontal (gum) treatment lasers can be used to selectively remove diseased and infected tissues lining the pockets in your teeth. The laser will also kill the bacteria that cause gum disease and promote the natural healing of your gums through photobiomodulation.

Enhanced Healing

Perhaps the most biological of applications with LASERs is photobiomodulation therapy which stimulates your own body to improve the speed and quality of tissue repair, as well as reducing inflammation and post-operative pain. This is extremely beneficial for periodontal treatment, root canal treatment and oral surgery such as tooth extraction.

Lip/Tongue Ties Release & Gum Recontouring

The LASERs can be used to recontour the shape of the gums and remove pigmentation if desired. Its cutting mechanism means that healing is improved and there is much less bleeding and post-operative inflammation, compared with conventional techniques. This is why we choose to use LASERs for the release of tongue and lip tie procedures.


Photobiomodulation therapy has been shown to speed up tooth movement during orthodontics, as well as help with the discomfort associated with the teeth movement.

How Does Ozone Therapy Work?

Imagine you take a pharmaceutical drug, it usually is going to turn a system on or turn the system off and then your body makes an appropriate reaction. Whereas Ozone therapy is actually just stimulating the body to work better on its own. This is called self-regulation or homeostasis. Imagine you set an alarm clock for yourself. You're sleeping, and then the alarm clock wakes you up and then you get up and get going on with your day. The same thing with Ozone therapy, it's not forcing but stimulating the body to get up and get moving. So it can better perform on its own, essentially what we're doing is we're taking a molecule a very small amount of this oxidant molecule and we're introducing it into the body, which essentially stimulates an antioxidant response called the NRF two pathway to get up and get moving. This boils down to creating homeostasis and self-regulation so you can perform more optimally.

Why Do We Use Ozone-Assisted Dental Therapy?

Increases Metabolic/Oxygen Efficiency

Oxygen efficiency is important for us for creating and utilising energy it's really important for you to feel the way you do or to improve your health, more specifically this increases further improvement in positive healing outcomes as the body has the key nutrient to do so.

Improves Blood Flow

If we were with disease or something's going on in our body or we're just not getting the proper nutrition our blood flow can actually decrease, this might not sound like much of an issue it can lead to inflammation and chronic disease. Blood flow is important for something called gas exchange our blood needs to be able to get down to tissues on a very very small level, it needs to be able to drop things off and to get things on the bus so that it can get rid of them so when I'm breathing, I'm actually getting rid of things that my body didn't need. When we improve the blood flow or the blood reality it's often called, we're actually improving the way that our blood flows throughout the body and improving its ability of it to do the work and gas exchange to exchange nutrients in tissues that need it for healing.

Balances The Immune System

Immune modulation is different from boosting the immune system which is where you're just activating it and hoping for the best; a one-dimensional aspect and it's a good thing if you need it. With modulation, you could have an overperforming immune system like autoimmune disorders or a hyperactive immune system and it can start to attack the body, so it can help to bring those reactions down. At the same time if we have an underperforming immune system it can help to bring it up so it's multidimensional, that it helps the immune system to balance itself it's not necessarily forcing it to go one way or the other but provides stimuli so that the immune system can autocorrect and know what to do.

Antimicrobial Effect

Inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa; Ozone disrupts the integrity of the cell envelope through oxidation of the phospholipids and lipoproteins. Inhibits cell growth at certain stages. Damages the capsids and upsets the reproductive cycle by disrupting the microbe's contact with peroxidation. The weak enzyme coatings on cells which make them vulnerable to invasion by viruses make them susceptible to oxidation and elimination from the body, which is replaced with healthy cells after contact with Ozone.